The Ocean Package


Our reusable folding box

With just a few simple steps, you can easily return our folding box to its flat shape so that you can use it again and again.

Schematische Darstellung einer nachhaltigen Mehrwegfaltschachtel, die zeigt, wie sie gefaltet wird. Schritt 1: Die Schachtel wird flach auf eine ebene Oberfläche gelegt.

As of today, we are targeting companies that are mainly active in the subscription and rental sector and thus have existing cycles. In parallel, we are already working on cooperation opportunities in order to be able to offer our reusable solution in the B2C sector in the long term.

Chart on waste savings

Our packages can be used up to 20 times more often than conventional cardboard packages. We do not change anything in the existing system except the consumption of less packaging, which results in up to 95% less packaging waste and about 80% less CO2.

Digitale Monitoring Plattform Lösung von TheOceanPackage

With the help of our software solution, our boxes can be easily integrated into existing processes and at the same time we offer our customers full transparency in the use of the respective shipments.